Operation Christmas Child
We exceeded our goal! Thank you to all who are participating in this wonderful outreach!
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Our prayer shawl ministry reaches out to all who may be blessed by the comfort these bring, including family members, friends, shut-ins and those in local nursing homes.
Our volunteers pray as we create these shawls, and then we bless them during one of our worship services.
The group meets on the second Wednesday of each month, 10am at Panera’s in Danbury. We pray as we knit or crochet, and we enjoy a time of fellowship together. All are welcome to join us!
If you’d like to be a part of this ministry, or you would like a prayer shawl, contact Pastor .Debbi
Redding Food Pantry
We offer courses in healing prayer, using the SCHOOL OF HEALING PRAYER, developed at Christian Healing Ministries by Francis and Judith MacNutt.
In the first level, we learn about the four types of healing, and then go into each in depth. Most of us begin this course hoping to learn how to pray for others. As the course progresses, we find that we ourselves have been transformed!
To sign up or to find out more about this course email Pastor Debbi. We hope you join us!